Winter Walk

The Hart Winter Walk is an informal guided walk around the trial site; your first opportunity to inspect the site post seeding, with guest speakers presenting their observations on current trials.  They are on hand to answer your questions, and will also share their knowledge on all the latest cropping systems and agronomic updates.


2024 Hart Winter Walk

Tuesday July 16
8:45am - 12:30pm

Register now to make sure you get a copy of our pre-event resources (it helps us with catering, resources and venue set-up too!).
Hart Winter Walk 2024 - register now

Hart Winter Walk 2024












We'll be looking at the effects of a range of treatments and practices given a dry start and ongoing dry conditions.

This event is free thanks to the support of event sponsors, Nufarm. We'd love to see you there.

Register now to make sure you get a copy of our pre-event resources (it helps us with catering, resources and venue set-up too!).
Hart Winter Walk 2024 - register now


2023 Hart Winter Walk

Tuesday July 18

Thanks to everyone who joined us at this event! As promised here are some follow up resources we hope you will find helpful.

Hart Winter Walk - follow up resources

Download the full list of follow-up resources here, or use the links below.

Even if you didn't attend, you might still get some value from it so feel free to have a look.


Rebekah Allen; Hart, Barry Mudge; Barry Mudge Consulting and Peter Hayman; SARDI

Remember how Bek showed a survey QR code at the start of this session? It was to help her start gathering some baseline data on which risky type decision making you found easy or hard, where or who you gather information from when making those decisions, and whether you look back over your decision to see if you could make improvements next time…

Some of you were unable to complete your responses due to service issues, so here’s the link if you would like to have another go, in fact we’d really appreciate it if you did! (Workshop ID is: 1807HART)

Even if you weren’t at the event, the data gathered will help drive the direction and focus of this RiskWi$e project over the next 5 years so please use the link above and take 5 mins and share your thoughts.

A big thank you to everyone who has already completed one, we’re very grateful!

If you’d like to see some of the survey results so far, click here.

Our HART BEAT (yield prediction) newsletter was also featured during this session. You’ll find it here: HART BEAT 65

Barry Mudge’s presentation

A big thank you to Barry for agreeing to share this with you all. You can download it here.

Peter Hayman’s spreadsheet

If you would like access to this one, please contact Bek:


Navneet Aggarwal; SARDI & Jordan Bruce; Trengove Consulting

As referred to by Nav during his session, here’s a link to a GRDC article: Broadleaf weed control and crop safety in lentils, authored by Jordan, Navneet and others.


Craig Prior; Elders & Rebekah Allen; Hart

During this session, Bek referred to a 2020 National Herbicide Resistance Survey on ryegrass across the Yorke Peninsula, Mid North and Lower North. You can read that summary here.

Here's a reminder of the program...
Hart Winter Walk 2023


2022 Hart Winter Walk

Tuesday July 19, 2022
9am - 12pm at Hart
This event is free.

Hart Winter Walk 2022
Click on the image above to enlarge.


Two of our guest presenters have kindly shared their presentations for anyone who wasn't able to make it, or who was there but would like a second look - thanks Bek and Navneet!

Navneet Aggarwal; SARDI Clare

Rebekah Allen; Hart Field-Site Group
In this presentation, Bek mentions Yield Prophet Lite, the free version. Give it a try, here's the link:

Following on from our septoria session with Tara Garrard; SARDI and Declan Anderson; Hart, you might also like to read this article from our 2021 Trial Results book:
Developing management practices for septoria in wheat for medium rainfall zones


The Hart Winter Walk will be followed by GRDC's National Grower Network Forum.

GRDC Grower Network Forum - Hart, 2022   GRDC Grower Network Forum - Hart, 2022
Click on either image above for the full details.

Stay on and contribute your suggestions for future GRDC investments in research, development and extension. This forum will gather grass roots input into GRDC’s investment plans by capturing opportunities and constraints facing local growers. You will also have the opportunity to talk to GRDC representatives and researchers working on GRDC investments.

The GRDC National Grower Network Forum will run from 12:30pm-2:30pm and includes lunch.

Please register separately here: GRDC's National Grower Network Forum



2021 Hart Winter Walk

Tuesday August 11, 2021
9am - 12pm at Hart
This event is free.


Registration is essential - click here or on the image below.

*To manage the current COVID situation and associated venue capacity limits, we are offering two ticket types; 'all access', and 'outdoor access only'.
Please select the 'all access' ticket first, unless they're sold out.
We'll increase the number of 'all access' tickets available as soon as we have more information about the level of restrictions that may apply.
We will communicate via email with all registered participants if there are last minute changes that affect our ability to hold this event so please keep an eye out for that (fingers crossed it's not an issue!). You'll also see announcements on our social media and here on on our website.
Thanks for your patience.

Hart Winter Walk 2021 - NEW DATE

 Download the program



2020 Hart Winter Walk

Tuesday July 21
9am - 12pm at Hart
This event is free.

Hart Winter Walk 2020

A couple of quick and easy COVID-19 notes...

Please don't come to the Winter Walk if:

  • You are feeling unwell
  • Have travelled interstate / overseas within the last 2 weeks

And while at the Winter Walk, please:

  • Practise good hygiene
  • Observe physical distancing (1.5m) wherever possible

*Hand sanitiser provided

Finally, we'll be running a mix of indoor (shed) and outdoor (trial site) sessions so we've had to limit numbers this year to meet venue capacity requirements. Please register so we can save you a seat.

'Hart Winter Walk 2020 - reserved indoor seating' tickets - if these are available it means we still have room inside so please select this option first.

'Hart Winter Walk 2020 - outdoor access only' tickets - only choose this option if there are no 'reserved indoor seating' tickets left. But please know you'll have to listen to indoor sessions from outside (near the roller door). *Your access to outdoor sessions will not be affected but in the event of bad weather, just know that all sessions will be conducted indoors.

Give Sandy a call if you need a hand or have any questions: 0427 423 154



2019 Hart Winter Walk

Tuesday July 16
9am - 12pm at Hart
This event is free.

Hart Winter Walk 2019

More info about the commercial scale seeder demo...
This trial compares four seeder types; local grower tyne, local grower disc and two small precision planter seeder bars. We'll be analysing seeding rates, crop establishment, early crop growth and ultimately grain yield.

Check out this video preview of of the trial, then see it in person next week:

GPSA invite you to attend a grower consultation meeting to discuss the Grain Industry Blueprint and CFS Harvest & Stubble Burning Codes of Practice straight after our Winter Walk.
Please register here:  

To find out more about the Grain Industry Blueprint, click here:

2018 Hart Winter Walk

Tuesday July 17
9am - 12pm at Hart
Full details below...

Hart Winter Walk 2018 

2017 Hart Winter Walk

Tuesday 18th July, 9am - 12pm at the Hart site
Full details below.

Hart Winter Walk 2017

2016 Hart Winter Walk

Hart Winter Walk 2016

Trials open for inspection at Hart Winter Walk with a focus on soil fertility and crop nutrition
With the crop now in, it is the perfect time to see how the plants are progressing and hear from some leading agronomy experts at the Hart Field-Site Group's trial site.
The 2016 Hart Winter Walk will be held on Tuesday, July 19, with a special focus on soil fertility and crop nutrition.
Also on the agenda will be pest management including aphids and snails, latest chemical product releases, and pulse updates on disease, bean time of sowing, innoculants and nodulation.
Dr Sean Mason, Research Fellow from The University of Adelaide's School of Agriculture, Food and Wine will be a special guest at the event, talking about his research in the GRDC's More Profit from Crop Nutrition project.
Dr Mason will speak about Hart's potassium (K) and sulphur (S) response trial and how soil test results link with the trial observations. Read the full story...

De Sean Mason
Above: Dr Sean Mason who will speak at Hart's Winter Walk on July 19.
Photo credit: Deanna Lush, AgCommunicators


2015 Hart Winter Walk

Tuesday 21st July 2015, 9am - 12pm at the Hart site

The 2015 trial program is well underway at Hart.
Now that the seeder has been put away all attention turns to the Winter Walk – the first post-seeding opportunity for growers to see how trials are progressing.
Research & Extension Manager Sarah Noack has a wide variety of sessions and guest speakers planned and is looking forward to the event.
“The Winter Walk is an informal tour of the trial site where growers can view different varieties and treatments and talk one on one with our speakers,” she said.  “It’s also a great opportunity to catch up with other growers.”
Topics will include weather predictions & forecasts for 2015, canola agronomy, snail management, pre-emergent herbicides, pulse diseases and more.
Hart’s Winter Walk will be held on July 21st at the Hart site from 9am – 12pm. The event is free and no RSVP is required.  Morning tea provided.

Hart 2015 Winter Walk


2014 Hart Winter Walk

Tuesday 22nd July 2014, 9am - 12pm at the Hart site

Hart Winter Walk 2014


2013 Hart Winter Walk

Tuesday 23rd July 2013, 9am at the Hart site

Hart Winter Walk
Click on image to enlarge

Topics include:
Pathogen spore release & climactic triggers
Barley time of sowing by depth
Yield prophet & soil / crop nitrogen
Controlling clethodim resistant annual rye grass in canola
New seed treatments for rhizoctonia
Pulse varieties & agronomy.

2012 Hart Winter Walk

Tuesday 24th July 2012
9am - 12 noon

  • Controlling ryegrass in canola
  • Nitrogen applications and seeding depth in barley
  • Canola agronomy
  • Pulse varieties and agronomy
  • New knockdown herbicides
  • YLS in wheat

2011 Hart Winter Walk

Tuesday 26th July 2011
9am - 12noon

2010 Hart Winter Walk

The 2010 Winter Walk was held on Tuesday, 27th July 2010.
Attended by more than 60 people a great list of speakers covered topics including:
• disease control in pulse crops
• pre-emergent ryegrass control
• controlling weeds along fence lines
• estimating grain yield using Yield Prophet and moisture probes
• new broadleaf herbicides
• pulse varieties

2009 Hart Winter Walk

What did we look at in 2009?

2009 HART Winter Walk



Getting The Crop In seminar
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Clare, SA

Winter Walk
Tuesday, July 15, 2025
9am  |  Hart, SA

Hart Field Day
Tuesday, September 16, 2025
Hart, SA

Spring Twilight Walk
Tuesday, October 21, 2025
5pm  |  Hart, SA





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